Thursday, September 24, 2009

I received a phone call the other night from Ms. Roberts. I don't ever remember meeting her in the past but she is familiar with my family and knew my grandmother and various friends and family members many years ago. Ms. Roberts is 88 years old. She was calling to get my mother's address because she lost it in her move from Memphis to Nashville and has not been able to write her. So why did it mean so much to her to try and contact us and why does it mean so much to her to be able to write my mother? Ms. Roberts was my mother's Sunday School teacher. When my mother was just a child, this lady was placed in her life to teach her about Jesus. And now, after all these years, this gracious lady is still willing to invest time in the life of my mother. But it's more than just time. She still cares. My mother's life still matters to her. God entrusted Ms. Roberts with the responsibility of leading children to Him and teaching of His love. Apparently, God did not give Ms. Roberts a time frame for teaching. She isn't finished. I praise God for Ms. Roberts.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm asking for prayers again as I speak in Chapel tomorrow morning. I pray God will work through me to reach the hearts of those in the room. I pray we will all be challenged and make the decision to walk out loud in our faith every single day. What in the world are we waiting on? What in the world have I been waiting on? It isn't like God has been inactive in my life. It isn't as if I have nothing to say. We all have something to say. We all have the ability to listen to others. I pray that the silence will stop and that we will all decide to hand our fears, worries, and insecurities over to God and open our hearts, minds, and mouths to tell others about Jesus. We all have reasons that we have told ourselves not to speak or witness to another. Is there really a good reason not to offer someone the hope of salvation...the guarantee of salvation? What good reason really exists to not tell someone that Jesus saves. He heals. He forgives. He is the Savior. Why do we hide our stories? Why do we cover our pain? Why do we refuse to publicly give God the credit? Because it's easier? Maybe. For me, there is no doubt that my years of staying silent were much easier than the last 3 months of walking out loud.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Another tentative date to visit my mother is October 17th. The process of completing the paperwork and receiving approval is underway. Please pray for this entire process. I pray as always for God's will to be done. I pray that no one and no evil will intervene. I pray that minds will remain open and hearts will be made vulnerable. Although the past is full of real pain and suffering, the Lord is our great Healer. In Matthew 19:26 and in Mark 10:27 Jesus says, "with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Total surrender to God is the only way. You have to give it all to Him. Not some. ALL.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

I find myself becoming more frustrated with the unknown and the future. I'm not exactly embracing my restlessness. I know God will reveal His plan in His time but it feels like a battle to remain still and listen. Why in the world does this seem so hard? I'm growing tired of talking and thinking through everything. I am ready to take some action. Isn't that why we are all here? To go and do? Then why do I feel as though my feet are stuck in mud and refuse to move? It is incredibly frustrating. Where does God want me to go? What does God want me to do?


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

While Stephen is attending the visitation for his grandfather tonight I want to share some things on my heart. Due to the funeral arrangements, he was unable to speak in chapel today but he has tentatively rescheduled for September 23rd. Please continue to pray for him as he continues to share his testimony. He feels deep within his heart that God is calling him to speak and share the testimony of healing in his life. He desperately wants others to feel the hope and know the promises of Jesus Christ. Stephen is completely surrendering to the Lord in full trust and obedience. His responses to obstacles and uncertainty have changed from stress and worry to courage and trust. His memories, both good and bad, still exist but his outlook is so different now. His trust in the Lord is immediate. It is one thing to believe in giving God all the glory and it is another to speak the words and offer up the praise to Him. Our prayers are constant. Our prayers are full of cries for help. Our prayers are abundantly full of gratitude for the blessings in our lives.



Monday, September 7, 2009

While visiting at my brother's house this weekend, I received the phone call that my grandfather had passed away. It was at my brother's house almost 2 months ago exactly that I first learned of his illness and was faced with the decision to reconcile with the past and go visit him. I am so glad I made the decision to see him at that time. I've been told that visit was the last time he was completely alert and vocal. Please pray for the family as they prepare for the funeral in the coming days. This is an obvious time to reflect on our family and all the trials that have been faced over so many years. I think of how sad and depressed my grandfather must have been after the death of my grandmother and then my father. He was devastated. The last time I visited him as a child just months after my father's death he told me "it's too hard on me to see you boys. Don't you know it's just too hard on me?" So we never went to visit again. As a 12 year old, I did not understand his feelings since I was dealing with the death of my father and the reality of what my mother had done. It was hard to grasp his lack of compassion for us in what seemed like his own selfish pity. Only now I see how he must have lost all hope. Christ was not the center of his life. He did not know where to turn. He didn't have someone surrounding him with the love of Jesus Christ. We did. He didn't have the constant flood of prayers. We did. He didn't have anyone to remind him to feel the comfort and strength of the outstretched arms of the Lord. We did. He needed someone to tell him "Jesus still loves you." So the realization for me now is seeing all of my blessings in the midst of so much pain. There are so many people that need to hear the truth of hope and healing through the Lord Jesus Christ. These people are much closer to us than we realize.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

I am thankful for a faithful God. I am thankful that He did not give up on me. I am thankful that He continued to work on my heart and lead me to forgiveness. The seeds were planted in my heart so many years ago. God was so patient with me. He saw me stumble and He saw me fall but He was always with me. I gave Him many reasons to leave but He kept His promises. I tried to hide and I tried to run. I tried to bury the past. But the Lord was persistent. The Lord was my rock and He continued to pick me up and set me on solid ground. I am grateful my eyes are so open now. I am open to being vulnerable. I am open to being uncomfortable. I am open to continue walking through this journey. My faith has continued to be challenged even since the day of the visit. But instead of running from the challenge, now I fall to my knees. I pray without ceasing. God has continued to answer.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Remember when I stated that I did not know what direction to go next but I would remain still and wait for the Lord? I was just asked to give my testimony in chapel next Wednesday. Now my future is still anything but clear to me but this is certainly a good place to start. This seems like a nice, clear, definitive answer for the immediate future. Thank goodness. I say that cautiously because I have no doubt that when the Lord is working and moving, Satan is also working and moving. So I pray and I ask you to pray that God will use my testimony to reach the hearts of these young people and also the adults attending as part of the CPA faculty and staff. I pray that God will use my testimony to challenge their minds and examine their hearts in dealing with past, present, and future trials in life. I pray they will see the peace, freedom, and joy that I now have as a result of the healing power of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 40:31 "Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength."


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

There is no longer that "thing", that cloud, or that shadow following me around. Whatever it was, it is gone now. This new freedom is the ability to freely talk and put everything on the table. For me, there will never be the "elephant" in the room again. I will not avoid conversations or dodge questions about my mother and father. If God presents me with the opportunity to share my testimony of His healing, I will easily take advantage of the moment. This journey means no more hiding or running from the reality of the situation. This journey means no more walls and barriers of protection. God is my refuge. Psalm 18:2 "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."

I received a letter in the mail today from my mother. She did speak of the visit but her letter concentrated on her growing faith in God's timing. Her letter says, "I have prayed for this day (the visit) for years. The past year has been a growing process for me. I have come full circle with my faith and understanding His presence and direction in my life. I have trusted Him for years but my faith has not been as it needed to be. When I learned you were going to visit, I knew this was in God's timing and trusted Him with our time together." She went on to thank Steve Wilson for his willingness to accompany us. She spoke of how Steve has been such a blessing. I also feel that God placed Steve directly in my path. It was exactly 10 years ago in August that Steve began a Bible study at the prison and met my mother. Five years later, God placed me at CPA with Steve. I simply do not believe in coincidences. I believe in God.
