Thursday, September 24, 2009

I received a phone call the other night from Ms. Roberts. I don't ever remember meeting her in the past but she is familiar with my family and knew my grandmother and various friends and family members many years ago. Ms. Roberts is 88 years old. She was calling to get my mother's address because she lost it in her move from Memphis to Nashville and has not been able to write her. So why did it mean so much to her to try and contact us and why does it mean so much to her to be able to write my mother? Ms. Roberts was my mother's Sunday School teacher. When my mother was just a child, this lady was placed in her life to teach her about Jesus. And now, after all these years, this gracious lady is still willing to invest time in the life of my mother. But it's more than just time. She still cares. My mother's life still matters to her. God entrusted Ms. Roberts with the responsibility of leading children to Him and teaching of His love. Apparently, God did not give Ms. Roberts a time frame for teaching. She isn't finished. I praise God for Ms. Roberts.


1 comment:

  1. Stephen,

    As a boy, you had a heart that was tender toward God in spite of all that you went through. Even so I am so very impressed with the man that you have become.
    You have a remarkable story, a gift with words and beautiful insight into God's heart of forgiveness.
    At just the right time when this chapter is complete, and you will know when that is, your story needs to be a book--perhaps the first of several you will write.
    There is no message more relevent in the world today than the journey to forgiveness that you have walked and are walking.

    God bless you Stephen.

    Ken Warren
