Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mom's letter was sent back to me stamped "return to sender." Two different sets of numbers are required for delivery within the prison and I omitted one set. Satan's attempt to discourage me? Maybe. But I'm not feeling discouraged. I have to admit my wife is usually the one to address the letters I send to the prison and I decided to handle this one myself. Lisa recognized immediately that I had left off the TDOC number and the letter is now back in the mail and on its way. The delay has given me the opportunity to ask you all to consider my mother in prayer also. We recently notified friends and family of this blog and requested everyone to participate as a prayer warrior during the next several weeks. We desperately need a flood of prayers as we faithfully walk this path. Please include my mother in your prayers as she receives this letter to accept the visit. Sadly, I can't say that I know how my mother will react but I pray that she will know the grace of God. No sin is too great to be forgiven. As Pastor Glenn recently stated in his sermon on forgiveness, "no one gets what they deserve;" not me, not you, not the liar, not the person spreading gossip, not the thief, adulterer, abuser, and not my mother as she sits on death row. We are all sinners and by the grace of God, none of us get what we deserve.



  1. Don't get discouraged bro! I know your father is looking down and is very proud of the man you have become. Believe me, we all see Ron in both you and Brian.

    Joe Browder

  2. I dont know your whole story,....I too have experienced the God questioning experince of Murder..My best friend since childhood was killed when he was 30 by one of his employees..the fellow that did it was suffering from a mental disorder but he also killed his AA cousnelor that night, went home,slept,cooked out with his family the next day ,then shot another church couselor where he attended..this one lived to identify him(thank god as he had a long list.).I respect what your doing here and i hope you find the comfort you deserve..."forgivness is the fragrance the flower leaves on the heel that has crushed it"
