Monday, April 19, 2010

Philippians 4:6

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Please fall to your knees and pray. Blessed be His name. Speak it. Believe it. Be faithful.


  1. Dear Stephen,
    I don't know you, but I do know your mother. I think of her all the time, as well as you and your family. I have so much hope for her fate. I just wanted to extend my virtual hand in support of you and your courageousness and your mother.

  2. Stephen:

    You don't know me but a friend included me on a prayer chain for your mother. I want you to know that your stand to not only honor God but to tell your story is the very weapon fashioned against the enemy God will use. Revelations says, the word of our testimony destroys the work of the enemy. I will be praying and I have also signed the petition. My heart aches for you and your mom but God is faithful to complete what He started. When you've done all.....stand.

    Blessings & Psalm 91
    Lisa Smith from Mt. Juliet, TN

  3. Dear Stephen,
    What wonderful news today from the Governor!! I know your mom and pray for her daily.
    God is so good and merciful. Blessings on your family and for the reconciliation that has occured.
    Carole Costa

  4. I don't believe in your God (more of a Gaia theory adherent, and a Unitarian), but I do believe your faith is great and that it will help see your family through what's left of this hardship. I wish you and your mother the best of luck.

    The quote did make me start singing under my breath, though, Purcell's setting of "Rejoice in the Lord alway" (I'm part of a chamber choir).

    Good luck.


  5. You and your family have been on my mind so much & I wanted you to know. I have never met you, but work with one of your childhood friends who intoduced me to your blog. I have been praying for you & your family. Stephen, I cannot imagine your journey, but want you to please, please consider writing a book about it. It is truly such a blessing to read your posts. Your faith is unshakeable and blesses all those you reach through the blog or otherwise. Please pray about writing a book about your experience. It is a joy to see your faith in action. Godspeed.
