Saturday, March 27, 2010

Full of Hope in My Father in Heaven

Where does that sudden wave of increased hope and strength come from? Why now? It's that feeling when everything suddenly looks slightly different. I smile more. I laugh more. Distractions come but I easily push them aside. It isn't that I question where that peace originates. I know.

Philippians 4:7 "The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Just when I begin to question exactly where I am in this journey, God quietly lays the next step under my feet. I should probably not be so surprised. But I am. I am continuously amazed by the work of God in my life and the lives of those around me. I have also learned that just because God closes a door, it doesn't always mean the door is locked and the key is thrown away. "No" does not always mean "No, not ever." It sometimes means "no, not right now." I can literally see and feel God working on me, changing my heart and mind, and leading me to a real place of confidence and trust in His plan for my life.

Please continue to pray for my mother, Gaile Owens. Please continue to pray for my family. Please continue to pray for healing.

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