Monday, August 17, 2009

Stephen's wife is temporarily taking over the blog for the evening. He has been asleep since 7:30. I believe exhaustion has set in and he is getting much needed rest. I am taking advantage of this opportunity to speak freely to all of you. You have been an amazing support to him in the last few weeks. Please continue to lift him up in prayer in the days ahead as he prepares for this visit. He speaks so fondly of all of you and has shared story after story of so many friends from elementary school, high school, church, and teaching jobs. He is the only person I know who still maintains communication with his elementary school teachers. This speaks volumes about the influence you all had in his life. I am posting a picture of the inside page of his Bible that he found last night. This Bible was given to him by his fifth grade class at Alturia Elementary just days after his father's death. God immediately used you, his friends and family, to show His love and bring comfort to this child. He remembers a lot of awful things from the night his father died that no child should ever remember. But he also remembers the hope you offered in the midst of his pain. He knows your face, he knows your name, he knows what you did for him. You need to know the difference you made in his life. You may not know exactly how or when but God used you in this man's life. Thank you for walking beside him on this journey. Thank you for praying for him and thank you for loving him. Galatians 6:2 "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."


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