Thursday, August 6, 2009

During my visit this past weekend, I realized that I am only 1 year younger than Dad when he died. It is an awkward feeling. It was fun to be around family again but I couldn't help but notice the pain that still exists. Time heals that pain only to an extent. There was a moment during our visit when my youngest son walked up to Uncle David (Dad's brother) and called him Papa. I know he noticed and so did I. It was a slight glimpse of "what might have been." Times like that create the flood of unending questions that I will never have answered this side of heaven. Did my mother ever think this far into the future? Did she ever think that she would never know her grandchildren? When my children are much older, we will eventually explain it all to them. It is a part of who we are now. It is irreversible. Maybe this is why I have finally realized the impact of forgiving my mother. Yes, I forgive because Jesus tells me to forgive. But what if my children look me in the eyes someday and ask, "Daddy, did you forgive her?" I want to be a Christ-centered man for my children. I don't want my boys to grow up and see me as a man full of anger and resentment. I want them to see first-hand the healing power of Christ. I want to tell them that the Bible is true, He is our Savior, and you really can "do all things through Christ who gives you strength."


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