Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Although I often think about what God will reveal in the days and weeks ahead, I have also thought about what Satan was trying to accomplish in the past. Did Satan think my mother would actually carry through with those plans? Christ was no longer the center of her life and she did the unthinkable. Did Satan think my brother and I would be left as orphans? The Lord placed two devasted young boys in the arms of a godly woman who raised us to trust and believe in Him. Did Satan think I would become a statistic in this world and a hopeless victim because of my traumatic childhood? I have struggled. I have not been perfect. But my past is not an excuse to choose a life of sin. My past is not an excuse to be disobedient to God. This is the life that God has given me. He continues to carry me through the struggles. He has shown me grace through all the imperfections. Did Satan think I would be incapable of a healthy relationship as both a husband and a father? God has blessed me with a loving and supportive wife and two beautiful healthy children. Satan has tried to defeat us through difficult trials but we are a testimony of God's faithfulness. Did Satan think my career would be unfullfilling because of the absence of a father to train me as a provider and leader for my family? I have been surrounded by men who actively serve the Lord. My job as a teacher and coach is incredibly rewarding and I have always felt in my heart that this is exactly what God created me to do. My father was killed 25 years ago and my mother was sentence to death 1 year later. Did Satan ever think that God would provide so much healing in my life that I would be asking my friends and family to pour down prayers as I share my testimony of forgiveness and peace?


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